Treatment Options
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy :: Gastric Bypass
Sleeve Gastrectomy
This is a relatively new approach. It was developed as the first component of the duodenal switch operation and involves removing the lateral 2/3rds of the stomach with a stapling device. Nowadays, the sleeve gastrectomy is performed as a primary procedure and more than 5 years of data have proven this to be a very good surgical option for weight loss.
It is usually done laparoscopically but is not reversible. It basically leaves a stomach tube instead of a stomach pouch. The residual stomach capacity is about 200mls so a generous entree should be possible.

- No anastamosis or re-routing of bowel
- No foreign body
- Better weight loss than with the adjustable gastric band
- Good resolution/reduction of co-morbid conditions
- No need for adjustments
- No malabsorption or dumping syndrome
- No risk for internal hernia
- Stomach may stretch leading to weight regain
- Very difficult to fix and manage staple line leaks